Alumni & Aftercare

Reach Out For Help

If you or a loved one are struggling with substance abuse, please reach out to our team now. 

We are available 24/7 to take your call.                       

Call Today →

Create A Treatment Plan

Our team understands each individual has a unique story which led them to seek help.

We will create an individualized treatment plan specific to the individual.

Verify Your Benefits →

Begin Your Journey To Sobriety

Your recovery story begins as soon as you arrive at our facility.

Our experienced & compassionate team will be with you every step of the way!             

Get Started →

alumni of addiction treatment in charlotte, nc

Join Our Recovery Family!

The process of overcoming addiction is far from finished when a client leaves the supportive environment of Southeastern Recovery Center. In reality, that departure often signifies the commencement of an enduring commitment to sobriety and overall well-being. Going back to everyday life can be filled with challenges and new obstacles that were not present while in the treatment facility. To address this, we've developed a specialized Alumni and Aftercare Program.

This program is designed to offer ongoing support and resources to our former clients as they face the ups and downs of life post-treatment. It acts as a lifeline of sorts, providing consistent guidance, emotional support, and a nurturing community to help our alumni stay on course in their long-term recovery journey.

The Road To Recovery Doesn't End After Treatment

At Southeastern Recovery Center, we hold the conviction that the path to recovery is most effectively navigated with the backing of a community well-versed in the intricacies of addiction. Our Alumni and Aftercare Program is specifically crafted to provide this lasting support structure. It aims to keep you engaged, informed, and motivated as you embark on a transformative journey towards a life filled with newfound opportunities and freedom. Key features of our program include:

drug and alcohol addiction treatment program alumni
South East Recovery eBook Cover

What To Expect eBook

South East Recovery eBook Cover

Download Our Free eBook!

If you or a loved one are interested in learning more about what to expect when getting help for drug or alcohol addiction, please fill out our brief form and download the eBook. You can also give our admissions team a call & we would be happy to answer any questions you may have. Help is only a call away!

Ready To Begin Healing?

We offer holistic & evidence-based treatment which is proven to increase success rates in recovery. Please reach out to our team today. We are available 24/7 to take your call.

Treatment May Be Fully Covered!

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Why Our Aftercare Program Stands Out

Ready To Begin Healing?

In our center, we understand that achieving lasting recovery extends beyond the completion of our treatment program. That's why we are committed to delivering an all-encompassing aftercare plan designed to support long-term sobriety and enrich your life after you leave rehab. Our multifaceted strategy involves close collaboration with neighborhood sober living programs, organizing events for our alumni, and implementing regular weekly check-ins, among other features. Let's explore how these components fit into our overarching blueprint for sustained aftercare.

At Southeastern Recovery Center, our goal is more than just helping you achieve sobriety while in our program; we're committed to supporting you in maintaining that sobriety while also enjoying a fulfilling, purposeful life. We aspire to be a partner in your ongoing journey toward recovery, providing you with the vital tools you'll need, a nurturing community to belong to, and consistent support to help you build a resilient, addiction-free future. If you or a loved one are ready to take the step and reach out for help, please give our team a call today!

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Ready To Begin Healing?

We are available 24/7 to help you or a loved one.